Facebook Privacy Safeguard Guide - Creating Custom Friends List

Need for Creating Custom Friends List

Basic and short answer? Its wise and crucial. Long answer? In order to minimize or stop social engineered attack, it is wise to create custom friends lists. Custom lists helps to keep friends, family, job and business etc separate. It might happen that the attacker is your follower and have been following your account for quite sometime or the attacker is added in your friends list, then what? In order to minimize such risk, we need custom lists to give lesser data or info regarding what you are into by controlled information sharing in your profile. Using custom friends lists on basis of level of trust you put on someone and years you have known someone can make a great difference. If you are extra cautious, aware and alert of who followed/added you and when then You can even pin point the point of data loss or information leak by inspecting the profiles or accounts which were following you or are added in your account and has access to your profile's info by comparing what info you've shared with which list members, when you were last active and what was your last activity etc.

How to?

Log in and head over to any one of your friend's profile and hover your cursor over their Friends button and you will see a drop down menu with options like friends, close friends, family, unfriend etc. Click on add to other list then click on New List and then name the list whatever you want (remember to make it unique). Now that you have created a list and added a friend in it, Just head over to your friends list and add others in it.

Things To Remember

Everytime you post something new do remember to change the list according to the content you are posting and people you want to share it with by selecting the list you want from the drop down menu stating friends or public by default while posting.

Just a Suggestion

If you only have family members or just friends in your list or have a list you interact with the most and you wish to make that list default sharing/posting list then you can change Who can see your Future Post (https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=privacy&section=composer&view) to <YOUR LIST NAME>.